Microsoft Surface + AR Drone = Awesomeness!

I’ve always wanted to get my hands on the Microsoft Surface. The AR Drone however not that much but it still is a toy I’d love to play with if anyone cares to let me borrow one. Guys like me love techie toys after all.

How about use the Surface to control the AR Drone?

Now we’re talking! Two cool niche devices being used in tandem is always a good thing… at least for me.

The video up there shows just that. The guy speaks Français though so if you can’t understand (neither do I) just watch it for the demo flight (exactly what I did).

Finally… the Win Galaxy Tab gallery is back!

A Happy Girl

As the title said, the Win Galaxy Tab gallery on Facebook is back online! I noticed that some comments have disappeared and that the registered Facebook likes are down to zero though. The app retained the number of likes from before the first removal of the app which means that likes can be duplicated now – or maybe not depending on how they implemented it. Some have mentioned it’s a little slower than before too although I didn’t notice that on mine. Also, for some reason, the page does not completely render in Chrome. It could just be my browser though.

Since the gallery is back please do check my videos! Thanks! 🙂

The Sony “PSP2” Codename NGP has been unveiled!

The Sony NGP (Next-Gen Portable)

The Sony NGP (Next-Gen Portable)

I was browsing Facebook today doing the usual (What else? Stalking people, of course! Hehehe! Just kidding!) when I noticed one of my friends posting a really interesting picture that said “The official pictures of Sony’s “NGP”.” word by word. I was like, what the hell is the NGP? Taking a closer look I saw what looked like a PSP with two analog sticks! Awesome? Hell yeah!

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Win Galaxy Tab is currently offline…


Without the Ambassador gallery I kinda feel like this...

Samsung MENA has temporarily pulled the plug on their Win Galaxy Tab Facebook app stating that they are currently having some minor technical issues with it. It saddens me that I can’t answer the questions of those commenting on my Galaxy Tab Ambassador videos as well as the fact that they can’t even watch my videos right now. I hope they bring it back soon.

Samsung Galaxy Tab Teardown – iFixit

The Samsung Galaxy Tab retail box

The Samsung Galaxy Tab retail box. Click on the image to go straight to the teardown.

I am a very curious type of person. I always have this weird urge to take apart everything I own just to see what’s inside. It was one of the emotions that I felt when I got my Galaxy Tab courtesy of Samsung MENA. Of course, I can’t always do what I want. I don’t want to break things that cost too much to replace after all.

Fortunately, the guys at iFixit did it already which means I don’t need to take my tools out to dissect my Galaxy Tab! Head to the Samsung Galaxy Tab Teardown page at iFixit to see it yourself.

I Like It Clean, Clear and Simple

This pic has nothing to do with the post. I just wanted to attach it because it fits the title well. That's all to it. Oh yeah! It's cute too!

If you’ve seen this blog’s former theme then you could have guessed that I’m the minimalist type of person. As stated in the title, I like it clean, clear and simple so I was really happy when I noticed that WordPress has posted a new blog theme called Clean Home. I was planning to change my former theme because I noticed some things that I didn’t like about it but I didn’t want to stray too far away from the blog’s simple beginnings. Clean Home was exactly what I needed! It came at the right time too!

Simplicity is beauty.

Galaxy Tab Quick Tip: Taking Screenshots

The Galaxy Tab home screen

A screenshot of my Galaxy Tab's home screen

Who loves taking screenshots?

I do!

On a Windows PC taking a screenshot is as simple as pressing the Print Screen (Prt Sc) button then pasting the image into Paint or some other image editor. How about in the Samsung Galaxy Tab? Do we have to install an app to have such a functionality?

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Enabling Android Market on the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Android Market IconWhen a Samsung rep sent me a message to inform me about the shipment status of the Galaxy Tab they sent to me as one of the Galaxy Tab Ambassadors here in the Middle East, I was ecstatic to get my hands on it and play some games! Knowing that the Galaxy Tab is an Android device, I expected to see the Android Market in it as I have been able to use that app to download games and stuff from my cousin’s new Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i purchased here in Saudi Arabia. Alas, I was saddened by the fact that the Market was nowhere to be found! I did some research and found out that the UAE has banned the Market in their area (Reason? I don’t know) and since my Galaxy Tab came from the UAE I was terribly affected. Being the persistent guy that I am, I set foot for a quest to find an answer which I’ll share with you after you read the little warning below first.

Warning! 警告!
Performing the steps below will permanently reset your device to the default settings and you will lose your apps, contacts, messages and stuff. If you have anything important in your device please perform a backup first. I can’t be held responsible for any data loss that might result by following my instructions.

If you’re comfortable with the idea or if you think you’re not going to be affected by that warning then let’s proceed with the steps to unlocking your device’s potential!

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Samsung Galaxy Tab: Pictures Paint a Thousand Words


A screenshot of the Samsung Galaxy Tab's Camera app in action.

A screenshot of the Samsung Galaxy Tab's Camera app in action.

I’ve been asked numerous times about how the Samsung Galaxy Tab’s 3MP camera fares. Well, pictures speak louder than words! Hover on the picture to see a description. Click on the images to view them at full size. I’ll keep updating this with more images as time goes by.

None of the images featured here have been edited or modified in any way. Also I decided to take candid shots as that’s what the Galaxy Tab’s camera will be used for most of the time.

See the sample pictures taken straight from my Galaxy Tab after the break and you be the judge if they are good enough. Images are sorted randomly.

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